Parish Information

For variations from this schedule, check the Bulletin for the week or the Online Parish Calendar.


Parish Office

412 Ann Street

Wilmington, NC 28401

(910) 762-5491 ext 129


Parish Office Hours:

Weekdays9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Hispanic Ministry Office Hours9:00 am – 12:00pm


Reconciliation: 4:15 pm – 5:00 pm Saturdays or by appointment

Marriage: Arrangements must be made with the Pastor in advance. Marriage Preparation through the church is required.

Baptisms: Parents need to contact the Parish Office to sign up for Baptism preparation and scheduling the Baptism.  

Anointing: Please call the Parish Office if you need a priest to celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick.

Confirmation: Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements.

Adult Confirmation Classes: Click Here for Information


St. Mary Catholic School serves students in grades PreK3-8. Contact:  Sandy O'Leary at (910) 762-5491, ext. 140

Saint Mary Parish Faith Development serves Religious Education grades 1 and up. Sacraments (First Reconciliation and First Communion) are usually celebrated in the second grade; Confirmation in the 10th grade.

Office of Social Ministry The Sister Isaac Center is located in the West Wing Basement of the Tileston Building.  Contact:  (910) 782-4021. or visit: