The Altar Server's Ministry is a unique one in the Catholic Church. Other than priests and deacons, no one else is allowed to so closely play a part in the preparation of the Eucharist. Your participation as an Altar Server is special. When you serve the priests and deacons, you serve the people of God, and above all, you serve Christ. Altar Servers must remember that everything that they do is for the Glory of God. They do it out of love for His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. St. Ignatius of Loyola called this attitude "AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM". This means "All for the Honor and Glory of God". It is the motto of a heart of service.
All servers must meet these requirements
Servers must have permission from their parents to become altar servers at the Basilica of St. Mary
Servers must have received their First Communion
Servers must actively practice the Catholic faith and should regularly receive Communion.
Servers must be in the second semester of 3rd grade or higher.
A new server must be willing to become very familiar with the Mass. They must understand why the Mass is important, and what happens during Mass. Before they serve for the first time, a server will be required to demonstrate that they know the Order of Mass, the prayers of the Mass, and the postures and responses during Mass. All of this will be taught during the new server training period. Altar Servers must also demonstrate the ability to make use of the "tools of the trade" such as matches, candles, candle lighters, books, and sacred vessels. All of this will be taught in training.
The Pastor, DRE & the community of St. Mary wish to invite parish children in the 3rd grade and up to consider becoming an Altar Server. To serve at the Altar is a great privilege and honor and requires a willingness to serve, training, dedication, discipline, and a prayerful attitude.
It requires a serious commitment of both child and family, however this is a beautiful way for your child to serve God and actively participate in the liturgical life of Saint Mary Basilica.
Opportunity to serve God
Become more involved in Parish Life
Grow in respect and understanding of the Mass
Make great friends
Strengthen your relationship with Jesus
Learn valuable life skills
Opportunity for leadership
Learn more about vocations
Opportunity to get to know our clergy and volunteers
Best seats in the house!
Guidelines for Altar servers USCCB: