Music Ministry

The Basilica of Saint Mary has a long history of wonderful music. 

New Music Ministry participants are always welcome.

Gospel Choir

The Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary Gospel Choir rehearses on Saturday afternoons and sings at the 5:30 p.m Saturday liturgy.


Rehearses on Tuesday evenings and sings at the 12:00 p.m. Sunday, Spanish liturgy.

Ensayan los Martes en la tarde y cantan en la misa de 12:00 pm. Misa Dominical en Español 

Basilica Schola

The Basilica Schola choir rehearses on Thursday evenings and sings at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday liturgy.

Contemporary Choir

Directed by Barbara Gallagher, the Basilica of Saint Mary Contemporary choir rehearses on Monday evenings and sings at the 8:00 a.m. Sunday liturgy.


Lead the responsorial psalm, gospel acclamation, mass parts and hymns at each weekend mass.


Contact Music Director for information