Other Ministries

Ancient Order of Hibernians

The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is a fraternal organization of Catholic men of Irish ancestry. The AOH serves helps meet Catholic men’s social and religious needs, helps those in need, and helps men learn and appreciate their Celtic ancestry.

The Catholic Daughters  – Court #1036

The Catholic Daughters of America’s goals are to develop leadership and talent, participate in ministries of the church, be involved in current issues and concerns and take action on legislative issues.

Knights of Columbus #1074

The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic lay organization with more than 1.9 million members and 13,000 councils located throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Poland, and several other countries.The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic men founded in 1882 by Servant of God Fr. Michael J. McGivney. The principles of the Knights are Charity, Unity and Fraternity and the Fourth Degree exemplifies Patriotism. 

Wilmington Council 1074 was founded on January 29th, 1906. The current Grand Knight is John Schmidt. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month. Members of the Fourth Degree, called “Sir Knights” are part of Msgr. Christopher J. Dennen Assembly 2017, which meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Any practicing Catholic man over age 18 who wishes to join the Knights should please contact Richard J. Schrum Membership Director at membership.stmary@kofc1074.org. For further information there are brochures available in the back of the church.  We also welcome Knights who have moved to the Wilmington area and encourage these Knights to continue their Knighthood with Council 1074. Please contact Richard J. Schrum to transfer.

For more information please visit :



Email:     membership@kofc1074.org

Senior Singles

The Senior Singles started out as a support group for widows and widowers of St. Mary Parish, but now it welcomes all seniors who wish to join. Members of this group tend to be leaders in the parish community and serve in many ministries such as the Altar Guild, Catholic Daughters of America, Knights of Columbus, St. Mary-Tileston Social Outreach Ministry, C.A.R.E., and others. Though the group meets formally once a month, it meets every Sunday for brunch following the 11 a.m. Mass.