Liturgical Ministry
Eucharistic Minister
Assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during the Eucharistic Liturgy.
John Walsh, (910) 762-5491 x114
Men and women proclaim the word of God and give church announcements at the weekend and holy day liturgies.
John Walsh, (910) 762-5491 x114
Camillus Minister
Bring communion to those who are unable to attend Mass.
Ministry Coordinators:
Glenn Moser ( for NHRMC and LCFH
Norma Rivera ( for the Hispanic Camillus Ministry. 910-762-5491, x122
Visit the homebound elderly or sick as well as parishioners who are nursing home patients to offer prayers and Holy Communion.
Barbara Russo ( for Nursing Homes & Private Homes
Altar Server
Boys and girls who have reached Grade 3 are invited to serve at our weekend liturgies and other special liturgical functions.
John Walsh, (910) 762-5491, x114
Volunteer ushers greet and open doors for parishioners as they enter the church, distribute church bulletins, escort parishioners to empty seats and provide directions to the nursery, rest room, etc.
They also collect and secure the collections.
Harry Bielawa, (910) 231-1480
Hours of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament: Wednesday morning and First Friday of the month immediately following the 8:30 Mass – 10:00am.
Altar Linens
Responsible for weekly cleaning, ironing and maintenance of altar linens as outlined by Church rules.
Deanna Plocki, 763-2821
Weekend Masses Sacristans
Saturday: 5:30 PM: Keith Hartung
Sunday: 08:00 AM: William Beall
10:30 AM: Charles Hite
12:00 PM: Orbelín Santos
Hilario Sanchez
Minister Schedule
Emailed monthly
Contact: Deacon John