Dear Ones

Dear Ones, 

Many thanks to Terry Smith, Sharon Marren and the members of our Finance Council who prepared the Annual Finance Report last week. Thank you too, for your patience in listening to the nuts-and-bolts side of being a Parish in the contemporary world.

As you heard, you are enabling us to promote the best of what we do and help us to look forward to expanding our mission to all the members of our Parish Family. 

 I am looking forward to reviewing where growth should happen with our Pastoral Council and Parish Staff, share it with you and continue to move forward. In the meantime, maintenance and repairs will be an ongoing challenge. 

Thanks are due to members of our Knights of Columbus who have almost finished compiling an inventory of all our Bookstore assets. (That has to be done before we can list our Shop with the State for sales tax purposes.) In the near future, when we open the Bookstore, we will be looking for volunteers to serve there. With those volunteers we will decide what the days and hours of service will be. 

Be well and do good, 

Father T