Welcome to the Basilica of Saint Mary

The Community of The Basilica of St. Mary—Church, School and The Sister Isaac Center—is a vibrant and dynamic multicultural parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh. With the Eucharist as the source and summit of our spirituality, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, we seek to worship God and build up the Kingdom of God on the Cape Fear Coast of North Carolina. The parish of the Basilica of St. Mary prides itself on serving the poor, providing superb Catholic Christian education for the young, championing human rights for all people, and serving as a loving home to the stranger, especially the immigrant. Recognizing our call to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ beyond our own area.


Discover a beautiful faith in the Catholic Church

G.K. Chesterton once wrote, “The difficulty in explaining 'why I am a Catholic' is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.” Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church to preserve the truth He gave us and hand it down through the centuries, helping people all around the world encounter the love of God in every age and in every corner of the earth.

Over the years, there have been an untold number of questions and objections raised about the Catholic Church’s teachings and practices. The answers are there, and it’s worth your time to find them. As the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said, “There are not even 100 people in this country who hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they think the Catholic Church to be.”

The Lord wants us all to know and understand His truth, so we can embrace it wholeheartedly and live by it. Christ reminds us, “The truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).

The word “Catholic” means universal, and that is really what the Catholic Church is—a universal body of believers, united in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Our Catholic family is made up of every race, age, and walk of life. For centuries, the Catholic Church has been the place to turn to for the source of Christian belief, an intimate encounter with Jesus Christ, a welcoming family, and a guiding light to get to heaven.



The Catholic Church is not just one denomination among many. In fact, it is the only faith that can trace its founding roots back to Jesus Christ, who started our Church. For 2,000 years, the Catholic Church has guarded the truth that Jesus has taught, whether in or out of style. In the Church today, one can experience the most personal relationship with Christ through the Holy Eucharist, the gift of Christ’s Body and Blood to us. Since its founding, the Catholic Church has continued to be the largest body of Christians on earth. Though it’s not perfect, nor does it have perfect members, the Church still contains the fullness of truth, which Jesus promised would set us free.


Not only are Catholic teachings rooted in the Bible, the Catholic Church, having been given authority by Jesus Christ and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, compiled the Bible in the form that it exists today. The Catholic Church has as its sole rule of faith the entire Word of God, as it is found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. It is important to remember that all of the Word of God was at one time (after the death of Christ and before the compilation of the Bible) passed on orally through Sacred Tradition. Catholic beliefs are all rooted in the Word of God—communicated through Scripture and Tradition, and preserved by the Church.

Source: www.CatholicsComeHome.org 


How Do I Return?

There’s an old saying that goes, “Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.” Maybe you have been away from the Church for a little while or for quite some time, but now you feel a tug at your heart calling you back to the Catholic Church. Pay attention to that tug. It’s your Heavenly Father reaching his arms out to you, the Holy Spirit whispering in your ear, hoping to draw you home.

We hope you accept this as your invitation to rediscover the truth, wonder and mystery of the Catholic faith. As your brothers and sisters in our worldwide Catholic family, we want you back. We’ve missed you, and our Church is not the same without you. 

Regardless of why you left or got out of the habit of going to Mass, you can always come home and return to the practice of the sacraments and the fullness of relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church he founded. We are Catholic. Welcome home!

To return all you need to do is show up at Mass on Sunday or contact us so that we can greet you personally and introduce you to those who might be sitting near you at Mass.  You are always welcomed at St. Catherine of Siena!  It might be helpful to introduce yourself to one of the priests or deacons so that they can welcome you and journey with you.  If you have been away from the sacrament of reconciliation, it might be helpful to experience God's love and mercy available in the sacrament. Wherever you are, we are here to journey with you and are here to support you in whatever way that we can!


Church Teaching

Here you will find answers to your questions about Catholicism and with tools to help you explore the beautiful and timeless teachings of the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church has been devoted to spreading truth since she was founded by Christ 2,000 years ago. The late Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said, “It is easy to find truth; it is hard to face it, and harder still to follow it.” Pray that Christ will lead you to find truth, and that your heart will be open to the truth wherever you may find it.

Within each topic, you will find common questions asked by Catholics and non-Catholics about certain Catholic beliefs. After reading through the explanations, take time to learn more by using the many links provided in each section.