Evangelical Ministry
African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization seeks to nurture members of African ancestry and helps in reconciling those who are unchurched by assisting in bringing them into the church and parish. The group meets the 2nd Saturday each month at 4:00pm in the Tileston Building.
Bill Gibbs, 762-2317
Hispanic Maryknoll Ministry
St. Mary Hispanic Maryknoll Affiliates serve the people of an area of Wilmington called “Little Mexico” off of Bell Street. They also get together for prayer and fellowship. Some do short mission trips to St. Mary’s sister parish in the mountains of Honduras. They also learn about missions and the missionary call that all Catholic Christians have.
The Hispanic Maryknoll Affiliate Chapter at St. Mary Parish is the only Spanish-speaking Affiliate Chapter in the world!
Hispanic Youth Ministry
Members of St. Mary Hispanic Young Adult Group attend retreats, pray, worship, eat, and play together. They serve the community by visiting the sick, serving in liturgical ministries, cleaning the church on occasion, fostering vocations, teaching in our CEPI de Santa María School and a wide variety of other activities.
Members meet every Monday evening formally, and they meet other days informally. The first Monday of the month they enjoy Mass and pizza with the Pastor of St. Mary Parish. This group is known throughout the Diocese of Raleigh as one of the most energetic and dynamic Hispanic groups in the diocese.
Men’s Discernment Group
The purpose of the St. Mary Men’s Discernment Group is to provide a place where men considering a vocation to the Religious Brotherhood, diaconate, or priesthood can come together in fellowship to share their vocational journeys.
Members of the group get together several times during the year for Mass in the rectory followed by dinner and fellowship. Men also get together outside of the formal gatherings for lunch, brunch, or dinner when the Spirit moves them—usually on Sundays after Mass.
Newcomer Welcome Ministry
Help organize, host, and contribute food for quarterly covered dish events to welcome new parishioners. Make phones calls to invite new members to the dinners and to answer questions about the parish.
Young Couples & Families Group
The St. Mary young families group provides fellowship and service opportunities for young couples and families (most with pre-school age children).
Come Home Ministry
Assist with sessions offered during Advent and Lenten seasons to welcome home those who have left the church.
Patty Williams, patty.k.wms@gmail.com